
Stonehearth mods 16
Stonehearth mods 16

stonehearth mods 16
  1. #Stonehearth mods 16 mod#
  2. #Stonehearth mods 16 update#

  • Promoted from a level four Carpenter, with a Taxidermist’s Carver (crafted by the Carpenter).
  • The Taxidermist uses collected body parts and resources to make entities into statues!.
  • stonehearth mods 16

    Along with Cows comes Raw Steak, Cooked Steak, Milk, and uses for Milk such as cheese!.Cows are obtained via the Shepherd, like Sheep and Poyos.Cows are a new farmable creature added to Stonehearth.Added city tier requirements for 2nd tier jobs Added Mage, Mage's outfit, Mage's staff, Several WIP Mage spells Version 0.1 - Added Cow, Cow Pasture, Milk Bucket, Cheese Wheel, Raw Steak, Cooked Steak Added Impaled Goblin Head (Carpenter for now) Added new model for female mage outfit and hood Added Comfy Stone Chair and Fine Comfy Stone Chair (Mason) Added Comfy Stone Bed sleeping variants Version 0.11 - Added Comfy Stone Bed and Fine Comfy Stone Bed (from Mason) * Will add once this is in a more finished state Removed more requirements as you ascend the job tree in Stonehearth. Added Impaling Stick (crafted by Carpenter) Added Impaled Kobold Head (crafted by Carpenter) Added Impaled Orc Head (crafted by Carpenter) Added Impaled Necromancer Head (crafted by Carpenter) * Has VARIANTS! Thus, the heads are randomized upon stick placement Version 0.12 - Added Impaled Goblin Head (crafted by Carpenter) Fixed bug where Stockpile menu did not show the Impaled Heads properly * All mobs will drop the heads with a 100% drop rate (subject to change) * Has 2 Variants! Randomized upon placement Added Impaled Skeleton Heads (crafted by Carpenter) * Has 5 Variants! Heads are randomized upon placement of the object Version 0.13 - Added Impaled Zombie Heads (crafted by Carpenter) Various stockpile issues and missing names fixed Changed leveling schema for Decoration items the Carpenter crafts Changed Impaled Head recipe to be: Head + Impaling Stick Added Stuffed Animals (Pose is bracketed) Changed Template issue (named Herbalist House was actually Weaver's Workshop) Removed Librarian until features are added Lack of names for Taxidermist equipment

    #Stonehearth mods 16 update#

    Update Expanded Items Catalog (such that it features the new items).This will be the culmination of all of the below mods, with additional features as well. Suggestions for the mods presented, and new ideas for mods are always more than welcome!

    #Stonehearth mods 16 mod#

    To start, my name is Colton and I am here to present mod ideas that I am currently working on, and will release them here as they reach playable status.

    Stonehearth mods 16